\\r\\nBelow you will find explanations of all insurance options .Insurance application may differ according to the location. Articles are mentioned in the reservation confirmation document or rental contract.
\\r\\n\\r\\nFull Automobile Insurance: Our vehicles are fully insured against accidents, bumps, strikes. For other cases, you can check the Mini Damage Package options.
\\r\\n\\r\\nMini Damage Package: Protects you in cases where you can not keep a police report such as tire tear, break glass, headlight breakage. This package offers the advantage of repairs with the declaration of the tenant in damage of up to 750 TL (Turkish Liras).
\\r\\n\\r\\nPersonal Accident Insurance: This insurance secures the driver and the passangers in the vehicle within the limits of the insurance. This insurance\'s details are listed in \\"Compulsary Traffic Insurance\\" policy.
\\r\\n\\r\\nFinancial Liability Insurance: The insurance covers compulsory financial liability (traffic) and also covers the losses within the limits set by the third parties. This insurance\'s details are listed in \\"Compulsary Traffic Insurance\\" policy.
\\r\\n\\r\\nTraffic Penalties
\\r\\n\\r\\nRadar penalties , highway and bridge runaway fines will be written on the license plate and these penalties will be notified by the relevant authority. If the date and time of the penalty belongs to you at that specific date and time, the relevant document will be sent by e-mail. You are requested to pay your payment to this document within the specified time and account numbers, or you will be charged by your credit card. If the penalty amount is not paid, the leasing contract will be handed over to contracted law offices together with your identity information and criminal notification and legal follow-up will be initiated.
\\r\\n\\r\\nKilometer Usage Limits
\\r\\n\\r\\nOur vehicles must be used in accordance with the principle of fair mileage. The details for the use of the mileage are clearly stated in the reservation page\'s article called \\" Included in Price\\" category. For further usage, you can contact our call center for information. If the mileage limit is exceeded addtional mileage is calculated as 0.15 € per kilometer.
\\r\\n\\r\\nPayment Terms and Security
\\r\\n\\r\\nVehicle rental fee, additional product and service charges together with the amount of the security deposit will be collected at the beginning of the rental via customer\'s credit card or cash in advance. Depending on the amount difference that may occur at the end of the rental, the credit card will be charged or re-paid. The customer has to be ready in our branch personally and no credit card which belongs to the additional driver or the other person is accepted.
\\r\\n\\r\\nCollateral Fee
\\r\\nIn addition to the rental fee, in some cases a deposit may be required. According to the vehicle groups, the amount of the collaterals which are listed under the heading of the reservation steps and the prices may vary between TL 500 and TL 2,000 and it is collected from the customer\'s personal credit card at the beginning of the lease. These collected collateral amounts will be returned within 14 business days later if the vehicle is returned to us as it was delivered to you.
\\r\\nWe use SSL security certificate at www.elitcarrental.com to make your reservation safer.
\\r\\n\\r\\nChanges to reservations and conventions
\\r\\n\\r\\nReservations made through from our website or from our call center:
\\r\\nAfter you confirm your reservation and before your arrival date, you can change the vehicle group, the reservation date, add and remove additional products. Some changes may cause price differences. In case of change of \\"taking branch\\", it is necessary to cancel the existing reservation and create a new reservation. Unfortunately, the price of your previous reservation will not be valid for your new reservation.
\\r\\n\\r\\nEarly Return
\\r\\nIf the vehicle is returned before the end of the rental period, the price will be recalculated according to the number of days the vehicle will be used. Due to cancellation of the agreement,the amount of 3 days rental will be refunded by credit card, or cash due to the vehicle being idle.
\\r\\n\\r\\nRental Extension
\\r\\nIf the rental is requested for longer than the reservation period after the lease begins, the surcharge will be charged by cash, from the credit card or account transfer.
\\r\\n\\r\\nNo-Show Application
\\r\\nIf the vehicle is not picked up after the departure time of your aircraft, the vehicle will go into No-show status after waiting 1 hour and no vehicles from any group will be guaranteed. Your no-show reservation will be canceled at the end of 2 hours.
\\r\\n\\r\\nCancellation and Refund Application
\\r\\nReservations can be canceled 24 hours prior to the reservation date and no charges will be charged to you in such a case. In case of cancellation without any justification, your customer registration is taken to the black list in our system and your next leasing needs will not be answered positively.
\\r\\n\\r\\nOther Important Issues
\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n\\t- All fees for the rental are collected from the customer\'s credit card or in cash. Virtual card or debit card is not valid.
\\r\\n\\t- In the event of any damage, you must notify the Traffic Police or the Traffic Gendarme crew about the incident and get the \\"Alcohol Report together with Police Report\\" and do not move your vehicle from the accident location.
\\r\\n\\t- If the vehicle is stolen, the police should be called and a \\"Theft Detection Report\\" should be taken. Along with the report, the vehicle\'s key should be handed over to us.
\\r\\n\\t- You can call our \\"Emergency Helpline\\" on +90 850 333 3548, which is available 24/7 in Turkey, in case of an accident, vehicle stolen, malfunction, tire explosion and any emergency assistance.
\\r\\n\\t- No insurance is valid outside the borders of Turkey and it is forbidden to take our vehicles out of the borders of Turkey. Please check the delivery form and contract.
\\r\\n\\t- Your car rental reservation is made for only vehicle group and no brand and / or model warranty is given.
\\r\\n\\t- Renter; In the case of a vehicle which is delivered in good condition and in good condition, misuse and / or carelessness, (Including, gearbox failure due to incorrect gear change, damage caused by continued use of the vehicle when the warning light is turned on, damage caused by hitting the underside of the car, damage to components such as tire and rim, malfunctions and damage caused by fuel, etc.) Including all kinds of mechanical and electrical, including any damage and losses are accepted and committed to pay. All damage and losses, including mechanical and electrical, are not covered by insurance and security.
\\r\\n\\t- The winter tire option is offered as an additional product and is a paid service. Winter tire varies according to region and branch and is limited to stocks.
\\r\\n\\t- Your financial analysis * may be requested in some cases, such as the first rental, so that you can make a reservation for all vehicle groups and domestic resident customers. Your financial analysis report must be valid for Elitcar leasing criteria. You can do your financial analysis by calling our call center on +90 850 333 3548.
\\r\\n\\t- * \\"Your financial analysis is available at www.findeks.com T.C. Your identity number and your GSM number registered in your T.C. bank. After receiving this information in the inquiry, you need to confirm the message sent to your GSM number registered in T.C.
\\r\\n\\t- During your monthly rentals, you will receive an invoice etc. indicating your address confirmation. This document must be submitted to our company
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